Silent Film

Audio Commentary:

Diverging Paths: Commentary Transcript 
·         Our video is loosely based off “The Wrong Side of the Bed” by Daniel Lucchesi
·         We discussed possible interpretations of the film and decided to apply it to a college context to make it more relatable to our audience
·         We showed the result first, (the exams), because we wanted the audience to view the actions of Lauren and Jordan through a lens of conclusion and understand that their actions are working toward an end goal
·         We use a text slide to show that the following scenes are a flashback. We see our main two characters in the beginning but they lack identity and background, so we used a character origin flashback
·         In the first scene in the library Jordan and Lauren are walking toward the camera which establishes them as the main two characters and familiarizes them with the audience
·         We utilized some editing techniques to fade the shot into the next scene which diffuses them from the introductory scene, foreshadowing  that they might diverge from each other
·         When they split apart from each other is introduces the idea that they are taking different paths
·         We used an upward angled camera shot with Lauren to signify her confidence and make her look more in control
·         There are a couple different camera angles and placements of the camera when she’s walking into the elevator. This was to show a constant, fluid motion and to start to show how her evening goes smoothly
·         Having the camera inside the elevator parallels the beginning scene where she was walking toward the camera as well. Throughout the film we keep showing Lauren walking toward the camera to keep the audience more connected with her
·         Jordan often walks toward the camera as well, but ultimately walks away, disconnecting her from the audience. She walks away from the camera going up the stairs and when she is searching for an empty table
·         Jordan is often moving around and never sitting still. This parallels her lack of organization and inability to commit to studying
·         Lauren is often sitting still and has less motion, which shows her dedication to studying and organization
·         We used Melissa in the same scene twice with each character, (the phone distraction), to show how everyone can be subject to the same obstacles and it’s how we as individuals react to these obstacles that define our outcome
·         The music we picked has a somber tone and gives the feeling of loneliness. Jordan and Lauren start out together and get their exams back together but ultimately choose their own paths which dictates their individual performance on the test
·         The abrupt ending signifies how life has no comfortable or definable ending, and neither does our film. It shows that life does not just stop moving and that we never get to see everything
·         Our video focuses on the unpredictability of life and how we all have to be prepared for anything

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